
Implement Neural Network In Python | Deep Learning Tutorial 13 (Tensorflow2.0, Keras & Python) - codebasics - 深度學習 Deep Learning 公開課 - Cupoy

In this video we will implement a simple neural network with single neuron from scratch in python. T...

In this video we will implement a simple neural network with single neuron from scratch in python. This is also an implementation of a logistic regression in python from scratch. You know that logistic regression can be thought of as a simple neural network. The pre requisite for this tutorial is the previous tutorial on gradient descent (link below). We will be using gradient descent python funciton written in previous video to implement our own custom neural network class. Watch previous video on gradient descent: • Gradient Descent For Neural Network |... Code of this tutorial: https://github.com/codebasics/deep-le... Do you want to learn technology from me? Check https://codebasics.io/ for my affordable video courses. 🔖 Hashtags 🔖 #NeuralNetworkPython #NeuralNetworkdeeplearning #NeuralNetwork #implementneuralnetwork #gradientdescentpython